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A 2K MONITOR operating system (the ZAPPLE Monitor) in ROM.---2K of RAM, read/write storage for user programs, auxiliary monitor routines, and/or stack area. | |
Two SERAL I/O PORTS, 110-9600 baud, RS232 or 20ma current loop for each port, and software-initialized via the monitor. Can be used for TTY, CRT terminal, or other serial device. | |
One PARALLEL I/O PORT, bi-directional, can be configured as an input or output port port or dynamically changed under program control. | |
A SENSE SWITCH INPUT PORT that allows the user to specify the I/O configuration which the system will initialize to. | |
A 1200 BAUD, CASSETTE INTERFACE, Allows rapid loading and dumping of programs/data in either a checksummed hex file or a binary image format | |
JUMP TO MONITOR, contains circuitry for automatically jumping to the monitor at F000H prompted by a power on clear (POC) and/or reset. |
This page was last modified on 12/19/2021